Thinkers50, the global platform for management thinking, has announced that its Management Hall of Fame is to have a permanent home and exhibition.
The Thinkers50 Hall of Fame honours the legacy of an elite group of thinkers whose work has had a profound and lasting influence on the world of management. From September 2018, the Haier Corporation will host the Hall of Fame at its headquarters in Qingdao, China.
To mark the occasion, two new management thinkers were inducted into the Hall of Fame. Peter Drucker and CK Prahalad both topped the Thinkers50 ranking in their lifetimes. They will be the first to join the Hall of Fame posthumously, and they were honoured at a ceremony hosted by Haier in Qingdao. They take their places in an elite group of management thinkers, which includes Charles Handy, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Henry Mintzberg and Tom Peters.
Read our tributes to Prahalad and Drucker.
Event Gallery
- Golden Opening of the New Hall of Fame Home
- Launch Event in Quindao, China
- Rendanheyi Awards Ceremony
- Presenting Rendanheyi Medals
- Rendanheyi Medal Winners
- Stuart Crainer, Thinkers50
- Haier CEO Zhang Ruimin
- Stuart Crainer
- Des Dearlove
- Haier CEO Zhang Ruimin
- Thinkers50 Hall of Fame Opening
- Richard Straub, Drucker Forum, Vienna